Thursday 5 November 2009

Chapters: 13, 14, 15 and 16

Van Helsing contemplates carrying out an autopsy on Lucy's body before the funeral, but then changes his mind saying "it is too late - or too early". He then gets permission form Athur to read through Lucy's papers. This leads him to Mina, who he visits in Exeter. Here he learns all about Jonathan's ordeal and his sighting of a 'younger Dracula' in London. Van Helsing tells Mina and Jonathan that he will keep in touch with them. He then discovers an article about a child with wounds in his neck, identical to Lucy's, when he returns to London. After showing it to Dr Seward they visit the child to see him personally before visiting Lucy's tomb, where they discover that her body is missing. Seward implies that her body was stolen but Van Helsing is determined to prove him wrong. They hide in the graveyard until seeing a 'white figure', which they advance upon and find a child. It is suspected that the child was to become another of Lucy's victims. They return to Lucy's tomb during the day only to find her body there, however she is very healthy looking for a week-old corpse, with red lips and rosy cheeks. Her appearance here can be linked to Jonathan's sighting of Dracula, who looked younger and healthier. This could be evidence that the consumption of blood makes vampires younger and fuller of life. Van Helsing and Dr Seward return to Lucy's tomb a few days later along with Quincey and Arthur, who reluctantly come after hearing Van Helsing's plan to remove Lucy's head. They hide in the graveyard until she arrives again with another child. This is when they first see Lucy's "unclean and full of hell-fire eyes" and their feeling of love for her turn to hatred. The four of them return the next day to finish the job. Van Helsing allows Arthur to hammer the stake as it will set Lucy's soul free and she would have wanted him to do it. When Arthur and Quincey leave the tomb Van Helsing and Dr Seward finish the job by removing her head and filling her mouth with garlic. The four of them all swear to help in the hunt for Dracula...

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