Monday, 19 October 2009

Chapter 10 - Dr Seward's diary

Chapter 10 concentrates greatly on Dr Seward and on Dr Van Helsing as they continue to treat Lucy. Van Helsing is very shocked when he arrives and first sees Lucy again, for she is very pale and struggling to breathe. He immediately plans for carrying out a blood transfusion and Dr Seward volunteers to be the donor. Whilst preparing for this however, Arthur arrives to see how Lucy is for himself and Van Helsing suggests that Arthur is to be the donor because he is stronger than Dr Seward. Arthur agrees saying "I would give the last drop of blood in my body for her" showing his love for her. The effect of the transfusion can be seen as it's carried out as Lucy starts to show more colour on her face. However Arthur is very weak and drained by the end of the operation as he has lost a lot of blood himself. He is fed well and sent home to rest by Van Helsing to rest. Van Helsing then discovers two red marks on Lucy's neck and is astonished by it. He leaves at once for Amsterdam as he has books there and tells Dr Seward to spend the night watching over her. When Lucy wakes, she is in much higher spirits, however she is scared to go to sleep as she fears it. Seward promises her that he will wake her the second he sees the signs of a bad dream, this reassures her enough to send her to sleep. The next night, Dr Seward is to do the same again, however he is very tired and sleeps on a couch in the next room after Lucy reassures him that she is much better now. Seward is woken in the morning by Van Helsing who then goes with him to check on Lucy. They are both once again shocked when they find her because she is extremely pale and struggling for breath again. Arthur is not around so it is Dr Seward who is the donor for the transfusion this time. Van Helsing takes less blood from him though, saying that he still has more important work to do. Seward then gets some much needed rest and Van Helsing goes for a walk and to send a telegraph. The next day a parcel arrives for Van Helsing containing "flowers". Lucy asks whether the wreath of garlic she is given to wear is a joke and he says that it is for her own good. He also spreads garlic all around her room and near the doors and windows, possibly in an attempt to scare something or someone off? When asked if he is "working some spell to keep out an evil spirit" Van Helsing replies "Perhaps I am!". Van Helsing and Dr Seward both leave Lucy for the night and intend to visit her early, the next morning.

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